I really enjoyed this one!
Creative animation, good gags, and fantastic pacing. I know a lot of people dislike super long films on Newgrounds, but I think the quantity of jokes and the pace more than justify this being a 25 minute toon. I'm surprised that most of the comedy here was, for lack of a better word "smart". There's no random screeching or sound effects nor are there any distracting cameos or references.
I'm seeing a lot of people comparing this to Eddsworld, but I don't really see it: the jokes feel much more situational, as opposed to Eddsworld's more character-based style of comedy.
Also, unlike Eddsworld or Spooky Month, it never gets all up its own ass and pretentious about "deep lore": it knows what it is and doesn't try to do anything to distract from that.
The only real gripes I have with it is that sometimes Henry is drawn extremely small, so it feels like a lot of the characters tower over him in a way that doesn't strike me as super intentional, and there's some parts that I think really could've benefitted from more music.
Overall though, fantastic film! I'm hoping this cracks Best of All Time on the Portal, it's so rare to see such passion these days for animations that aren't tribute pieces or collabs!