This is the perfect embodiment of the biggest problems with web cartoons. Lazy comedy, an over-reliance on guest VAs to boost ratings, and just a complete lack of its own identity.
As has been pointed out before, this one really drags. I know it's 19 minutes, but it feels like hours, just because everything is given way too much breathing room.
People are ragging on the comedy, but I honestly didn't find it as atrocious as its being made out to be. Most of the jokes just boil down to either using unconventional sound effects or slapping some web personality in there to do a voice, which is boring and cliché as fuck now: SrPelo and PsychicPebbles sitting around telling unfunny jokes is, shockingly, unfunny. That said, a few of the visual gags got a decent little chuckle out of me: so while there is a lot of kinda lazy comedy, the seeds of something more interesting are present and should be built upon.
I don't think this would have done even a fraction of the numbers its doing here (which admittedly is very little) if you weren't an established name because this is so heavily lacking when it comes to having its own voice or identity.
If you're doing more with this, I would really push you to try to carve out a stronger sense of individuality into your work. I see a lot of reviews complaining about the character designs and the art style, but honestly I think that's fine. The main problem here is that its too afraid to really do anything to set itself apart.