"You know what they say, love is blind" -Tommy Wiseau
Originality alone makes it far above the other contributions to this contest. When paired with the fairly unique setting and funny writing, its leagues above its contemporaries lol.
"You know what they say, love is blind" -Tommy Wiseau
Originality alone makes it far above the other contributions to this contest. When paired with the fairly unique setting and funny writing, its leagues above its contemporaries lol.
Wise words from a wise man.
Anyway, how is your sex life?
Very fun concept! Look forward to seeing more stuff like this.
Sorry to disappoint lmao
Really fun game!
Only complaint is that it's just programmer art, but otherwise it was a surprisingly great time!
Look forward to more stuff from you!
Gameplay is addictive and extremely fun. It feels like this perfect combination of Rat Game, and more "true" roguelikes like The Binding of Isaac: it's satisfying to go through and you can get pretty far on most runs if you try.
Even the way the items themselves are presented feels fresh and new: I'm getting tired of the old 32x32 graphic slapped on a stone slab, and the little paper bits was refreshing to see, and the lower quantity of items and certain upgrades help to keep players attached to their weapons for much longer than in something like Gungeon.
The Newgrounds crossover weaponry was handled fairly appropriately in my opinion: it never really draws too much attention to itself (except for maybe the Isaac and Piconjo ones), which is alway nice with stuff like that.
Unfortunately, a lot of my criticisms lays with the art direction: deviating from Krinkles' stuff is always cool, but there's still some boundaries with the source material I feel were pushed a bit too far here: the art direction of Madness is defined by the over-the-top badassery of late 90's and early 2000's action flicks, which is very different to how this game presents itself.
Seeing as how this game tends to base its aesthetic off something that contrasts the original art direction of Madness significantly: cutesy Japanese-style streetwear, things end up being somewhat hit-or-miss for me in terms of character design and artwork.
If this was built as an original game, and there was a bit more content to play through, I could definitely see myself paying for a retail version on Steam or itch.io.
I really appreciate such thought out feedback, thank you : ]
I can't believe how far you guys have come! I remember talking with you guys in the LISA days, and you've improved a hell of a lot.
This game was fantastic, Can't wait to see more from you!
I remember talking to you briefly; glad you like the game! Me and the rest of the devs at The Tub are working on bringing another game here which we'll hopefully have up in a couple weeks. Thanks a bunch!
Solid game, especially for a jam game. The aesthetic is really unique, and unlike some other games that use the retro PC look, it doesn't really come across super forced, which is awesome.
I guess my main problems are:
> The character designs are pretty hit or miss. Some look awesome, others look pretty meh.
> Huge difficulty spike with the end boss.
> The HP meter, while visible outside of battle, ends up being tough to see for new players. I didn't realize it was there until my third or fourth playthrough.
It's a really great time-waster, I've played for hours so far, but as has been pointed out I think a gameplay expansion would be really fun.
I could definitely see myself paying 10 or 15 bucks for this if it went retail.
Appreciate the in-depth feedback! Almost every character was drawn in the last ~40 minutes before the game was due so yaa they will definitely be revamped if the game gets expanded.
The gun just randomly stops working sometimes.
oh you have to be moving to shoot
should probably add text to clarify that
sorry bout that
I understand this is another shitpost-ish endeavor, but I feel like at this point the gag is wearing a little thin... crunchy, loud audio was something people were goofing on back in Newgrounds' early days, it's only really funny so many times before I start rolling my eyes.
Conceptually, the idea of a bunch of the NG shitposters getting together to make a big collaboration around one character is really heartwarming, which bumps up my score a bit (it feels very old-school, which is awesome), but I don't feel the execution is all that great: especially when the main character is just the level clear face from Sexy Hiking.
But I suppose maybe that's the whole point of it all and I've just misunderstood the game.
"the level clear face from sexy hiking" actually comes from like 2 games from what i've seen
gmfall and gm golf challenge
he appears in more than just sexy hiking
I <3 marmalade.
Age 24, Male
Guntown, Burgerville USA
Joined on 5/11/16