I mean, it's certainly in line with Pico's School gameplay-wise, but I'm honestly split down the middle with this one:
I think the foundation so far is strong, but it's just that: a foundation. There's nothing that really wows me here.
My biggest criticism, I think, would have to be that combat feels too sudden and unfair in a lot of places (especially with the guard, that feels extremely cheap and unfair). Pico's School kinda resolves this by having dialogue you need to manually engage with so the player knows what to expect. I'm also not a big fan of the restrictions placed upon the gun: just showing a quick firing animation at least would be cool, and visually show the player what he can do with this weapon.
I'm not a fan of repeating the intro cutscene every time you die either, really strange choice IMO, it fucks with pacing a lot and it gets annoying after a while.
I'll be checking out the final version of the game because like I said I think there's potential that this could be something pretty cool, but right now it just feels kinda half-baked and unfinished, even for a demo.